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Getting Fit – Are You In or Out? | Koochie Play
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a paradigm shift in our lifestyles and that true for everyone across the world. However, the control measures for this

Understanding an Epidemic: The Impact of Inactivity on Health
Here are some things you can do to easily incorporate some exercise into your daily routine.

Breathe, Move, Thrive: The Power of Outdoor Exercise
Here are some things you can do to easily incorporate some exercise into your daily routine.

Digital Detox and Its Crucial Role for Today’s Children
Most parents are concerned seeing their children invest an alarmingly high amount of time in electronic devices and ponder what they can do about it.

Play is Hard Work | Playground Equipment – Koochie Global
PLAY IS HARD WORK “Play is the work of a child” and Play is hard work. Indeed, there has been ample research in the recent

Bangalore’s Parks: World-Class Outside Play Equipment
Koochie Global is not your average Playground Equipment Manufacturing Company. Since our Inception over a decade ago, we strive to do things differently. Having been fortunate

Creating Inclusive Play Areas: Where Everyone is Exceptional
We at KOOCHIE Global are excited to branch out and foray into ‘Inclusive Play Areas’ that can potentially nurture interaction and can truly unite a

Safety Surfacing: A Smart Solution for Playground Injuries
Children love being outdoors with their friends and indulge in various forms of play. Although outdoor play and exercise is an important part of growing

Accidents vs Negligence: Understanding the Difference
‘Play’ provides an opportunity for children to develop motor, cognitive, perceptual and social skills. Unfortunately, playgrounds are often the sites of accidental injuries. It is estimated that

The Story of a Consistent Optimist: A Journey of Resilience
The year is ending and what better way to bid adieu, than to recapture the moments that made 2017 special. This year has been an astonishing

Bangalore’s World-Class Playground Equipment in Public
Koochie Global is not your average playground equipments manufacturing company. Since our inception over a decade ago, we strive to do things differently. Having been fortunate

Our Vision for the Future of Playgrounds: Leading the Way is a country of constant flux and growth. With the rate at which cities are growing, industries are spreading and structures are changing under
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